Frequently Asked Questions
Q1 : What does “Paper ID” means on the online Registration?
A1 : Submission guideline:
Register an account on the “submission system” → the system will provide your username and password through the e-mail → Login in “ online submission system” and upload your manuscript → The system will automatically generate a number which is your “Paper ID” → You will get the notification of Paper Acceptance on October 20th → Once your paper is accepted, you may register on “Registration system” → Fill in the blank with your personal information and Paper ID → We only offer online payment by credit card → Once you have registered and paid, you can upload you final paper.
If you have any further question, please look at the document here, or feel free to contact on this email :
Q2 : What does the full registration mean, and what does the right of this rate?
A2 : Full Registration means “Author / Professor (CIAE member or non-CIAE member)” these two rates, only these two kinds of participants could submit the paper on Automation 2023. Other kinds of conference participants, please check on this list.
Q3 : What kinds of paper does Technical Session and Special Session accept?
A3 : TS and SS accept two kinds of the papers which are Full Page paper and One-page paper. But there are some rules on paper contest, if you would like to join it, please take a look and follow the rules here.
Q4 : If I have submitted when should I register and pay?
A4 : Please register and pay the fee after ensuring Automation 2023 has accepted your paper(s). You will get the paper acceptance notification through e-mail on October 27th.
We inform you that Early-Bird Registration ends on November 3th.
Q5 : When should I upload my final paper(s)?
A5 : Authors should register and pay the fee first, and then you may upload your final paper(s). Make sure you don't miss the final paper submission deadline by following the important dates.
Q7:請問隸屬於自動化學門之「產學合作研究計畫」、「中堅躍升研究計畫」需要進行成果發表嗎?A7:秘書處已將須至Automation 2023進行成果發表的計畫列表上傳至此頁面,謹請自行搜尋並確認,上述兩類計畫有其獨立的考評機制,不屬於年底學門大批計畫之成果發表。
Q8:How to add co-author(s) and change the first author in the submission system?
A8:You can add co-author(s) by filling in the blank with their e-mail; if they have registered with this system before, the system will automatically add their name(s). If they haven't registered yet, the system will pop out a new window to ask you to fill in with their personal information.
You may change the sequence of authors by changing the e-mail.
Please check twice that you type all the authors' names in ENGLISH before submitting.
Q9:請問若準備投稿Automation論文,作為替代自動化學門成果發表,是否須於規定之09/29截止日上傳檔案? 應上傳哪些檔案呢?
Q10:I'm the co-author of a paper(or multiple papers). When I try to register, I see a message that says, "Please use the same email address you used to submit your paper." However, I am not the person who uploaded the paper. Does this mean only the person who uploaded the paper can register?
A10: First, please check if the person who uploaded the paper has included your data in the submission system. Second, you may have used the wrong email address to register. Please contact the Conference Secretariat to determine these two problem. Thank you very much.
Q11: If I want to avoid my papers being made available in electronic format through this conference or if I have concerns about signing the Conference Papers Copyright Authorization, how will the conference organizers handle this situation?
A11: Please kindly refrain from making the payment now and send a letter to the conference secretariat inquiring about your concerns. If you confirm that you cannot sign the authorization agreement, the conference organizers will strictly follow the instructions mentioned in the email correspondence. Thank you very much.